- a simple url encoder/decoder
HarmonyOS (Huawei microkernel OS)
Warum rechte Ideologie immer leichte Züge von Faschismus mit sich trägt!
De facto bedeutet rechte Herrschaft / Regierung eine Diskriminierung (auf alle Fälle de facto) von nicht der Leitkultur entsprechenden Menschenbildern, also etwa Transgendern, Homosexuellen, Migranten, Muslime, Menschen mit leichter Behinderung, Atheisten, manchmal auch de Lege, wenn es um europäische Grundrechte geht.
(Vielleicht schaffen es unter rechter Regierung gerade noch werte konservativen genialen aus einer Volksrepublik oder links-liberale Altadelige Barone (oft ohne Land) und leiche Körperverletzer, bzw. weiße genießer in den Graubereiuch / Grauzone).
Als links-liberaler zählt natürlich für mich die soziale, wirtschaftliche, wissenschaftliche Arbeit und Leistung unabhängig von Geschlecht, sexueller Orientierung, Religion, Hautfarbe, Behinderung, Vermögen, Vermögengewinn und auch Vermögensverlust, sowie Gefängnisaufenthalt bei einer Straftat, die mit weniger als 3-5 Jahren STGB zu bestrafen ist. (nicht gemeint sind schwere phychische oder physische Körperverletzungen, Vergewaltigung, Raubmord, ...)
¼ π
Atheistisches Wort am Sonntag (1/n)
Die katholische Kirche deutscher Tradition feiert bald am 8.Dezember (auch 2023) das christliche Fest von Maria's unbefeckter Empfängnis.
Das heißt für alle, die sich theologisch nicht so auskennen, dass Maria, die Mutter Jesu und die Ehefrau von Yosef, bereits ohne Markel der Erbsünde (was auch immer damit gemeint sei, wie Killer-Gene oder Bruch des Apfelessentabu) geboren wurde.
Das ist umso erstaunlicher, weil manche Neu-Testamentarier der Ansicht sind, dass erst durch das Leiden Jesu, die Kreuzigung (nach römischer Tradition, Spartakus) und Wiederauferstehung (resurexit) die Sünde der Welt (peccata mundi) hinweggenommen wurde (von Jehova?
Ergo war Maria bereits genetisch so entwickelt, dass sie ohne Makel der Erbsünde geboren wurde, bevor es einem Mann zu Gute kam.
Andere christliche Splittergruppen verneinen allerdings, dass überhaupt jemand außer Maria und ihrem Söhnchen ohne dem Makel der Erbsünde geboren wurde und glauben daran, dass der Makel der Erbsünde erst durch das Sakrament der heilgen Taufe erlischt. (Ungetaufte Babies kommen nach Meinung so mancher Theologen nicht direkt in den Himmel, sondern müssen ganz kurz bei Petrus (tirolerische Dolemiten Bergbauern Tradition) warten.
Ein professioneller Theologie möge mir mal bei Gelegenheit folgendes erklären:
- Waren Adam, Eva und Lilith frei von Erbsünde und entstand die Erbsünde erst nach dem Apfelessen und der Vertreibung aus dem Paradies (Genesis)?
- Wer außer Maria und dem Sohn Jesus sind denn unbefleckt im Sinne der Erbsünde?
- Kann unbefleckte Empfängnis darauf hindeuten, dass Maria mit intakter Jungfrauenhaut schwanger wurde durch sepzielle Besamung ohne Coitus und erst durch ihren Sohn Jesus bei der Geburt "entjungfert" wurde?`
zu unbeschwertes Leben und Entwicklung nicht rein aus indivdueller Sicht
Mich ärgert, dass ich dieses "unbeschwerte Leben", ich definiere es als: "
- intelektuelll kritisch,
- neugierig,
- westlich aufgeklärt,
- prinzipiell (links-)liberal,
- meistens in Erwerbsarbeit halbtags oder Vollzeit beschäftigt und durchschnittlich verdienend,
- nicht durch hohe Schulden belastet,
- von niemanden abhängig in dem Sinne, dass man Angst vor der freien kritischen aber nicht beledigften Meinung haben muss oder etwas legales dann nicht mehr machen kann/darf, das ansich niemandem schadet
Ära Scheidungskrise zu Ende (2013 - 2023)
#tonight 2023-12-02 ( reported in the early morn )
#Epilog ( zum Nach- und Weiterdenken ):
old & simple social liberal slogans
If you sell as a large supplier products in the cheaper segment , then it makes sense to employ people from a minority group, because with them in your sales or marketing team, you can also reach this segment of the market surley with great customer binding.
Remember that it is easier to integrate minorities in that smart liberal way, instead of forcing it by law. (Otherwise Republican party GOP and right wing parties will fury.)
Notice that minority groups often are only interested in large robust standard products inside the cheaper segement, because of income weakness as result of fewer chances and discrimination.
Sometimes humanistic or public moderate spending is labeled as 'High ugly costs'.
When people thought HP-UX, AIX, SCO Unix Group, Solaris or high end IRIX
will make the race,
then notice that now SGI IRIX XFS is availible under linux now,
that IBM's JFS is even longer part of the linux kernel,
that Sun's ZFS was ported to linux from 2005 - 2010,
as availible alternative to pure GNU filesystems Btrfs or elder ext4.
If an aggressive renegotiation of a service brings both social responsibility and shareholder value (in sense of price reducement or qualitity improvement), then that's good.
Spending money for education, children rights and fair play might not be optimally offset in your tax return, but it will give you a brilliant image and avoid problems in future.
Investing money in education and skills in next generation, probably has a very late return on investment.
Warn signals for liberal democracies?
2005 prolog
In star wars episode III - "revenge of the sith" (produced 2005)
2020 warn signals for liberal democracies?
There are fewer liberal democracies than there were 10-15 years ago.Some countries, that were choosed the way to liberal democracy some year ago, returned now to a more authoritarian style.
German public-service television network ARD's 'Tagesschau' titled one year ago:
Tunisia's President Saied
On the way to becoming a dictator?Tunisia's President Saied is voting on a new constitution that would give him comprehensive rights. Is the president, who has already disempowered the government and parliament, on the way to becoming a dictator?
Reasons for reducement of democratic institutions
If the economic situation is bad and debts and unemployment rise, then savings are often made in some areas of the state sector.
Unfortunately, only a few states process government shutdown procedures. where all except most necessary government spendings are reduced, unless a new budget is democratically decided.
Governments often save money where it affects only a few and the few have a weak lobby or no lobby at all.
- NGOs regularly have their budgets cuts
For churches and a small group of state authorized charity you can spend money and pay less tax,
but for a lot of other NGO's, specifically free churches (like the taxas christ chuch, baptist church, knights templar society or hindu temple), gnu opensource group, ieft, civil right movements, LGBT communities, free artists associations you don't get 1 penny of tax facilitation / reducement, when spendig a lot.
So most NGO are dependent on crowed founding and small subvenetions from the state,
some special state legitimated NGOs have privileges, that spending will cause tax reduction and a minimum of state budget is reserved for them.
e.g. I spended also only for caritas socialis & Volkshilfe, when earning good, because of tax cuts.
p.s. I really coulded to reduce my tax bill even more, but I didn't it in case of investation in car, books, membership for liberal party or investments for the children and wrote every income postion on my tax declaration.
Financal support for free pressed were limited for public TV, you had to pay a special GIS tax, but there is no posibility to spend money to the free press pod neither for companies nor private persons.
- Invalidity pensions were abolished
In some areas, state welfare is limited to incapacitated people (without full citizens and human rights). Former finance ministress Maria Theresia Fekter critized in year 2013, that too many healthy people retire at average age of 52-53.
Now even very sick people stay at 56 fully in labor market,
but I'm so proud that we all will retire later. - Homeless shelters cost €200 - €300 per month.
(I remember, my Frank pointed out to me in year 2000 that in Asia homeless shelters are not free like here and cost US$5 per night and thought, that such things will never become popular in Europe or legitimated. Well since ~2014 that changed.)
'Many democratic processes, especially court proceedings, legitimation for new rather unknown business licenses and environmental impact assessments, are often bureaucratic, take a lot of time. In order to speed up these processes, things were simplified and appeal options were limited in trys and short time period.
- revoked me my driving license for one year and after obtaining it back, the license is limited to year 2025 and I have to proove a certificate of a psycolical investigation every ¼ year (3 months)
- imposed a general weapons ban on me
Well, I was able to achieve a big fat cut from social insurance, when I worked for a community based project where all profits were donated to cancer aid and then only reached a maximum of €2000 before taxes per year for the period of 1-2 years.
I am currently unemployed since September 2023 and receive too much money for doing nothing and that only because a have to pay for two children and my ex-wife has too little income. I feel so ashamed for that, that I have already initiated the reopening of my small company after X-Mas on January 1st, 2024 in new lulz.
E-Mobilität? China hats schon, die USA baute Tesla und Europa fällt auch hier zurück
Es gibt in Österreich keinen Porsche Cayenne Mangel
Porsche Cayenna auf (319 Porsche Cayenne sofort verfügbar)
Auf Alibaba boomt das Elektro-Automobil
Neta X
2023 Byd Seagull Haiou
Case study of apparently sowiet (U.S.S.R.) tactical advantages during cold war (20th century)
which I intentionally don't emphasized.
Phase I: Division of states
Sputnik Crisis: Demonstrating technological advantage
Sputnik crisis was a symbolic act to demonstrate the advantage of USSR in space technology. Many people only remember the creation of NASA as countermeasure, but mostley forget another;Founding of DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) who emerged ARPANET, origin of entire internet today.Cuba Crisis: Ability to critically hit an unshielded opponent
Counter measures against civil protests: Tanks, tanks, tanks
Tanks in russian capital Moscow for coup d'etat
Outlook in 21st century
Erfahrungsbericht zur Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, angewandten Psychologie und psychosozialen Diensten
1. Psychiatrie
1.1. geschlossene Abteilung der Psychiatrie
In manchen Fällen gelten Patienten auf der geschlossenen Station rechlich als nicht mündig | entscheidungsfähig | geschäftsfähig.
1.2. offene Abteilung der Psychiatrie
Der Entlassung aus der offenen Abteilung der Psychiatrie muss entweder
- hoher Qualitätsstandard
eine Untersuchung eines Arztes | einer Ärztin und eines Pflegers | einer Pflegerin und einer neutralen Verwaltungsperson der Klinik vorangehen (
- mittlerer Qualitätsstandard
eine Untersuchung zumindest eines Arztes | einer Ärztin
Bei der Entlassung aus der Psychiatrie wird meist eine Depotspritze oder andere regelmäßig einzunehmende Psychopharmaka als Reszept verschrieben.
2. Psychotherapie (angewandte Psychologie)
Ich nenne dafür einige Beispiele:
3. Psychosoziale Dienste
ATX and austrian stock market traded companies
Snow White Spinderula waked up after corona crisis, 7 dwarfs arround her and a lot of things disappeared
There was a girl named "Snow White Spinderula", who awaked from a stunned, cryostatic, petrified, paralyzed state, because she ate the forbidden fruit of knowledge from the apple tree in the garden of paradise and a piece of apple got stuck in her throat.
Snow White Spinderula spits out the piece of apple, breathes and feels permeated again by the fresh and active spirit of life, recognizing that 7 dwarves standing around her.
Bit by bit she realizes now that many different things in the current world have disappeared or gone for ever and that this had nothing at all to do with the 7 dwarfs keeping an eye on her.
Disintegrated, disappeared, died ot transformed to void
Feminist internet blogs, groups and communities in social media
Small left parties, autonomous groups and comunity based projects
A lot of internet media blogs in right, conservative and liberal spectrum were gone
Also a lot of conservative, right wing and liberal blogs moved to virtual graveyard also known as /dev/null or Nirvana.
It's sad to see many blogs from reasonable moderate-citizen first disappeared and in result of that disappearance many rescrictions by law were made against "more radical" groups:
It's so sad to realize, that so many groups from the left or middle-class spectrum of society disappeared, shut down their internet presence and blogs and let themselves be pushed out and no longer dared to express their opinion freely in public space or on main stream channels of the internet.
A lot of things concerning software, system and kernel programming
Some very passionate discussions in the linux kernel newsgroup between Linus Torvalds and Alan Cox concerning sync before close, fbarrier as alternative to fsync with funny swipes to Alans work at Intel and drinking same kool-aid as other hardware cpu programmers.
Integration of NIS (Network Information Sytem originally called Yellow Pages) in latest apple OS.
Some projects on knowledge to use UDP for large - huge amount of data and the intention to develope a symmetric, asymmetric or certificate based standardized encryption for all services based on UDP.
Realization that everything (file transfer, authentication, authorization including claims and bearer tokens, web services instead of old style Sun RPC or modern gRPC, VPN, ...) over HTTPS might not be always the ideal solution and best practice and could be realized more service oriented otherwise.
Development of a more reliable driver and toolkit for mounting btrfs, ext2-4, xfs zfs file systems under Microsoft Windows 10-11.
or maybe not?Full capacity of steel processing industry at voestalpine
Full capacity of stell processing industry at voestalpine Linz
A Gothic Madonna replaced by a fake (both the original and the fake)
Photo of faked gothic madonnaMany other things will be reported soonly
Many other things will be reported soonly.
companies & software in scope of DNA genetic engineering
It is up to everyone to evaluate the opportunities and risks after exploring and learning the scope and hardfacts in detail.
- CloneManager [ | ] - DNADynamo BlueTractorSoftware [ ]
- Eclipsebio [ ]
- Genomelink [ ]
- QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench Premium
- SnapGene [ ]
[ ... to be continued ... ]
VIC20 Emulatoren
In einem Anfall von Nostalgie lud ich mir 2 VIC20 Emulatoren herunter.
und programmierte in BASIC ein einfaches Zahlenratespiel:
Payment & Billing online provider services
Planet Payment
Stripe / payments
Commercial business livestyle, NPO and the few community based lifestyle, that we ignore
Common images in western societies from social and economic point of view:
Family (classic)
At least one or both parents work most of the year and gain income for family. Family might get money from the state for the children to help getting them educated in public or private school and later an education to get a paid job in our economy.
Pair of adults (might be even gay or lesbian)
A pair in a kind of love or sexual relation lives together, because they cannot reproduce or don't want to have children. Normally both work (maybe not fulltime) and earn money.
Single adult (might be divorced father)
Forgotten community based live styles
- extended family (were some of the members receive money in form of social benefits or unemployment insucrance from state, insucrances or relatives, could be clan based)
- spiritual or far left community (e.g. new age group, marxists, trotskyists, like-minded community)
- [Please enter you own expiriences here]
Misunderstandings and conflicts concerning community based live forms
- It is a mistake to assume that all community based lifestyles are voluntary, often it is economic pressure that leads to such living conditions.
- But it is also wrong that nobody wants to live like this and people who live like this need education upgrades or training positions to enter jobs.
- Since community-based forms of life are mostly sustained by money that is not entirely self-earned, there is often the argument that they take it away from the really old and weak or disabled because it is mostly spent by the state.
- Community based persons never understand the importance that somebody is stressed and races to an urgent meeting with an important wealth customer.
- On the other hand, working people with functioning business models do not understand the obligations of community-based individuals, who often donate odd amounts of time to unnecessary inefficient rituals within the community.
- Community based lifestyles are often viewed as precariously archaic or uncivilized, although the rules or code in such communities are often very complex, but often inhibit individuals from their full economic capacity or individual self-expression.
Supu (Sudoku Puzzle) by Georg Toth
Hi, I implemented SUPU (SUdoku PUzzle), idea & design by Georg Toth for Windows Desktop.
You can order Supu on Georg Toth Webshop here:
frogA - frogger Adroid
so a little fun project "frogA- frogger Android" is taking some little progress.
Git repository:
lastest build APK package:
flex - fast lexical analyzer generator sample
Orginal posting can be fount here:
Who remember flex: fast lexical analyzer generator?
Here is a short sample, I have written it under gnu linux and ported it to win32 using gnuwin32 flex and getoptwin: