Most complete Identity of a person is defined / determined by different public, restricted or private accessible spheres. - a simple url encoder/decoder
It's about creating distributed service oriented communications
This article isn't about daily standard electronic communications via network protocols (e.g. email services or shared network folders), neither about user authentication / authorization nor groupware.
It's about:
Implementing or consuming customizable reliable distributed services;
by choosing & implementing a programmable extensible scalable, easily portable, standardized inter-compatible fail-safe resilient communication middleware, that's financially essential for most critical business processes.
For what kind of companies is that useful, important or relevant?
It's relevant for all companies, that consume many crtical data from external partners / service providers;
then process received & own data inside different departments (maybe in different locations) with different areas of responsibility (e.g. fraud detection, critical real-time scaling of dynamic hardware (memory, harddisks and available CPUs, permanent risk adjustment and last but not least anonymized [General Data Protection Regulation] precise reporting for legal reasons);
finally and ultimately share processed data to maybe different external organisations with very deviating requirements, like government fraud reporting agency on one side and partners inside a foundation or joint umbrella organization however.
Overview most common distributed service oriented communication technologies in history
What technologies do you use in your company / organisation or as private person for distributed service oriented communication?
- antique: [ 1980s ]
- Sun RPC [ remote procedure call ]
- old: [ around the millennium ]
- DCOM [ Distributed Component Object Model ]
see also: ActiveX, DDE, .NET Remoting - Java Corba
- message oriented middleware [ mostly XML based ]
- SOAP / XML based Webservices [ SOAP message ]
- .NET Webservices + Web Services Enchancements (.asmx .ashx )
- Previous generation: [ since 2010 ]
- WCF [ Windows Communication Foundation ] by Microsoft .NET
- Swagger [ swagger-api ]
- Rest API [ Representational State Transfer ]
- RestFul web api
- Apache CFX [ ]
- gRPC [ gRPC Remote Procedure Calls ]
gRPC [ | ] was initially created by Google
What local software suites / solutions / products and enterprise cloud services are included in your distributed service oriented communication(s workflows)?
- Microsoft BizTalk Server
- RabbitMQ [ ]
- Amazon Web Services [ aws ]
- Azure RestAPI Reference
[ to be continued ... ]
Curch music I like
I'm left liberal atheist, but I want to show thou, that I like some church music very much.