- a simple url encoder/decoder

 a simple url encoder/decoder


Wirtschaft (153) Pressefreiheit (138) Österreich (123) IT (102) code (65) Staatsschulden (37) EZB (27) Pensionssystem (16)


ATX and austrian stock market traded companies

#ATX (Austrian Traded Index) never ever reached high of 2008 again.

#Raiffeisen International [ ] seems to be a sitting duck, because of sanctions against Russia, but I'm sure that they could swap the Russian risk against something special. 

Some #ATX companies like #Andritz [ ], #OMV [ ], #Verbund [ ] seems to be very defiant against that trend.

CA IMMO [ ] was quiet profitable so far.

#Dynatrace [ ] a newcomer was founded in Austria and is now traded in #NASDAQ
Find all Dynatrace locations in Austria at wko companies directory: 

#VoestAlpine [ ] steel production and technology company will will likely lose share of world wide steel production, because raw iron supply chains are quiet long and expensive for VOEST location Linz:

Voest Alpine supply chains are A1 & OEBB



Snow White Spinderula waked up after corona crisis, 7 dwarfs arround her and a lot of things disappeared

There was a girl named "Snow White Spinderula", who awaked from a stunned, cryostatic, petrified, paralyzed state, because she ate the forbidden fruit of knowledge from the apple tree in the garden of paradise and a piece of apple got stuck in her throat. 

Snow White Spinderula spits out the piece of apple, breathes and feels permeated again by the fresh and active spirit of life, recognizing that 7 dwarves standing around her.

Bit by bit she realizes now that many different things in the current world have disappeared or gone for ever and that this had nothing at all to do with the 7 dwarfs keeping an eye on her.

Disintegrated, disappeared, died ot transformed to void

Feminist internet blogs, groups and communities in social media

Microsoft Windows Phone

Small left parties, autonomous groups and comunity based projects

Autonomous left groups, community based left groups and projects and small left parties,
for example the Pirate Party, Europe anders, ...

A lot of internet media  blogs in right, conservative and liberal spectrum were gone

Also a lot of conservative, right wing and liberal blogs moved to virtual graveyard also known as /dev/null or Nirvana.
It's sad to see many blogs from reasonable moderate-citizen first disappeared and in result of that disappearance many rescrictions by law were made against "more radical" groups:

It's so sad to realize, that so many groups from the left or middle-class spectrum of society disappeared, shut down their internet presence and blogs and let themselves be pushed out and no longer dared to express their opinion freely in public space or on main stream channels of the internet.

A lot of things concerning software, system and kernel programming

Some epic threats in newsnet (NNTP) newsgroups
Some very passionate discussions in the linux kernel newsgroup between Linus Torvalds and Alan Cox concerning sync before close, fbarrier as alternative to fsync with funny swipes to Alans work at Intel and drinking same kool-aid as other hardware cpu programmers.

Integration of NIS (Network Information Sytem originally called Yellow Pages) in latest apple OS.

Some projects on knowledge to use UDP for large - huge amount of data and the intention to develope a symmetric, asymmetric or certificate based standardized encryption for  all services based on UDP.

Realization that everything (file transfer, authentication, authorization including claims and bearer tokens, web services instead of old style Sun RPC or modern gRPC, VPN, ...) over HTTPS  might not be always the ideal solution and best practice and could be realized more service oriented otherwise.

Development of a more reliable driver and toolkit for mounting btrfs, ext2-4, xfs zfs file systems under Microsoft Windows 10-11.

or maybe not?

Full capacity of steel processing industry at voestalpine

Full capacity of stell processing industry at voestalpine Linz

A Gothic Madonna replaced by a fake (both the original and the fake)

Photo of faked gothic madonna

Many other things will be reported soonly

Many other things will be reported soonly.


VIC20 Emulatoren

und programmierte in BASIC ein einfaches Zahlenratespiel: 

10 LET U=RND(-625)
20 LET V=RND(0)
30 LET W=V*10
110 G0 LET B=VAL(A)
120 IF B < X THEN GOTO 160
130 IF B > X THEN GOTO 180
140 IF B = X THEN GOTO 200
170 GOTO 100
190 GOTO 100
210 END


Commercial business livestyle, NPO and the few community based lifestyle, that we ignore

Common images in western societies from social and economic point of view:

Family (classic)

classic family based

At least one or both parents work most of the year and gain income for family. Family might get money from the state for the children to help getting them educated in public or private school and later an education to get a paid job in our economy.

Pair of adults (might be even gay or lesbian)

A pair in a kind of love or sexual relation lives together, because they cannot reproduce or don't want to have children. Normally both work (maybe not fulltime) and earn money.

Single adult (might be divorced father)

A single person lives alone, earns money.

Forgotten community based live styles

When you really open your eyes, you will find a lot of community based live styles, that were mostley not declared as community, but practically have the tendency / bias to live together as a community, were the priority to earn money is quiet low.
Some examples:
  1. extended family (were some of the members receive money in form of social benefits or unemployment insucrance from state, insucrances or relatives, could be clan based)
  2. spiritual or far left community (e.g. new age group, marxists, trotskyists, like-minded community)
  3. [Please enter you own expiriences here]
Unfortunately, the original form of old farmer families or kibbutz is really outdated.

Misunderstandings and conflicts concerning community based live forms

  • It is a mistake to assume that all community based lifestyles are voluntary, often it is economic pressure that leads to such living conditions.
  • But it is also wrong that nobody wants to live like this and people who live like this need education upgrades or training positions to enter jobs. 
  • Since community-based forms of life are mostly sustained by money that is not entirely self-earned, there is often the argument that they take it away from the really old and weak or disabled because it is mostly spent by the state.
  • Community based persons never understand the importance that somebody is stressed and races to an urgent meeting with an important wealth customer.
  • On the other hand, working people with functioning business models do not understand the obligations of community-based individuals, who often donate odd amounts of time to unnecessary inefficient rituals within the community.
  • Community based lifestyles are often viewed as precariously archaic or uncivilized, although the rules or code in such communities are often very complex, but often inhibit individuals from their full economic capacity or individual self-expression.
In my opinion we should sharpen our awareness and not a standard protocol or purely economic imperative when encountering these rare but nonetheless existing lifestyles.

Why I wrote this article:
Tonight my mind was clear and I saw, that some people don't want to be driven from an economic imperative and like more a community based life style. In Austria such people don't receive much money from the state, but often were discrimented or motivated to follow an economic working life model.
