- a simple url encoder/decoder

 a simple url encoder/decoder


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2025-01-24 will launch until 22nd february 2025

Implementiere bis 22.2.2025 eine Plattform, die einen Secure-Chat und sicheres einmaliges hinterlegen von Codes, Texten (kann auch IPv6 Endpoint 2 Endpoint / Peer2Peer ohne Server) beinhaltet.

Verschlüsselt wird mit einem 8-fachen AES mit folgenden Varianten des AES:
3DES, Blowfish, 2-Fish, 3-Fish, AES Golois fields, Camellia, Cast[56], Gost28147, Idea, RC[26], RC532, Seed, Serpent, Skipjack, Tea, Tnepres, XTea und einer eigenen sehrr schnellen, aber cryptographisch nicht so starken SymmCipher Variante "ZenMatrix".

I will implement a platform until February 21st 2025,
that includes a secure chat (can also be IPv6 endpoint 2 endpoint / 
peer2peer without a server / or a chat over server proxy variant)
and secure one-time storage of codes and texts.

Encryption is done with an 8-fold AES with the following variants of AES:
3DES, Blowfish, 2-Fish, 3-Fish, AES Golois fields, Camellia, Cast[56], Gost28147, Idea, RC[26], RC532, Seed, Serpent, Skipjack, Tea, Tnepres, XTea and 
our own very fast, but cryptographically not so strong SymmCipher variant "ZenMatrix".

See prototype of WinForms chat client below,
that also can send / receive loopback.

CqrJd C# is a [MUST HAVE]
CqrJd Java is [OPTIONAL] <= started implementation & looks good
CqrJd in C/C++ is [OPTIONAL] <= there'll be at least a skeleton

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