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History not in forms of dominion, rather in technical innovations, economic groth and then resulting social achievements

Un petit tour d'horizon

High to late middle Ages: Stadtluft macht frei

It was customary law that a city resident was free after one year and one day. After this he could no longer be reclaimed by his employer and thus became bound to the city.
Serfs became craftsmen and members of a guild, association or union by moving to the city.
After working as a craftsman within a city for only one year, their status changed to free citizen, which was a great economic and social advancement. This was not possible for all, but for many, caused by economic and technological change.

Modern era begins with gunpowder, book printing 
and the discovery of America

Modern era begins with gunpowder, (a kind of blue print) book printing, the discovery of America, Martin Luther's 95 theses claimed at Wittenberg and the beginning of a mercantilist colonialist economic theory in some parts of Europe. (I'll go into this in detail later below.)


At the end of middle ages, the very cultural and sophisticated Byzantine Empire ended with fall of Constantinople and the rise of the Ottoman Empire began.
Many see the weakening of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire beginning with the Crusades, but instead of theorizing about the decline of the Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire with many theses,
I claim:

Cannons and Gunpowder and canons, like the Dardanelles Gun and an ancient ottoman Motor were responsible for the fall of Byzantine Empire.

Printing Press

The ability to produce many editions of a book in a much shorter period of time contributes to a dissemination of the book that in the Middle Ages was reserved only for monks and scholars. =>
An expansion of bourgeois knowledge is the result.

[...] will be added later.

Industrial revolution

Industrial production provided people with better, cheaper and higher quality goods, but it also had other effects in Europe:

  1. Expansion of the road and railway network, increasing people’s mobility.

  2. Industry gave birth to its son, the social democrat.
    It was only through the industrial revolution that social democracy was able to emerge. As industrial workers showed solidarity, fraternized and formed unions, workers' sports clubs and adult education centers (knowledge is power), a strong, emancipated social democracy was able to emerge.

Henry Ford wellfare capitalism

Through the rising of industrial capitalism, new ideas as Henry Ford's wellfare capitalism were born.

AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph)

AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph) is another example of the resounding success of the Industrial Revolution. AT&T brought later out unique innovations such as Unix System V5 , which paved the way for later innovations such as the free GNU Linux or tech giants companies, such as Google or Amazon.

The 2 worsest daemons in history of ideas followed then:

Communism and National Socialism arose from fear of change brought about by the Industrial Revolution and their methods are nothing but fear, totalitarian domin, brutal terror, horror and worsest nightmares.

Karl Marx, a burgois, who envied the rise of industry and his catastrophic work: "Capital".

Written in fear of change, the intension was to tame industrial capitalism and prevent the uncontrolled rise of the workers.
I count this as the 2nd greatest demon in human history.
It is almost impossible, that a totalitarian system emerges on the basis of a single book, full of mistakes and a single manifest, where nobody else sees it like that.
In contrast to social democracy, which naturally growed bottom up by expanding workers rights and emancipation, communism uses totalitarian non-democratic methods, as:

Adolf H., mein Kampf

The worsest demon in human history, National Socialism, also arose from only one book (where nobody else, saw it like that before). The book of a crazy fine art painter who was awarded the Iron Cross in World War I. evolved the greatest demon and reign of terror in human history and it arose from fear of the May marches of the Social Democrats and a paranoia about Freemasons and Jews.

Western hegemony after 1945: Charter of the United Nations

[TODO: still some parts to write...]

Rise of oil-rich Arab Gulf states

The rise of oil-rich states, such as the Arab Gulf states, began with the need for fossil raw materials in industry.
Industry not only needs labor for production, energy requirements and energy costs are factors in industrial production and Marx never understood that.

1990: Dissolution of the Soviet Union & rise of global Internet

The technological advances brought about by the liberalization of the Internet and the spread of capitalism worldwide have brought previously poorer countries such as China, India and other emerging countries a tremendous development advancement by taking over shares of the global value creation.

[TODO: still some parts to write...]

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