- a simple url encoder/decoder

 a simple url encoder/decoder


Wirtschaft (154) Pressefreiheit (139) Österreich (123) IT (102) code (65) Staatsschulden (37) EZB (27) Pensionssystem (16) Geopolitik (5)


France is in economic trouble, when I look at those indicators:

je pense, que la France est en difficulté économique, quand je regarde ces indicateurs:
Il faut faire des réformes!
France is in economic trouble I think, when I look at those indicators:
Thou must reform!

 Keynes paradigm:

  1. State increases spending in economic downturn
  2. State reduces spending in economy high

France forgot to implement the second part of keynes paradigm:

 Misunderstanding Keynes might be very dangerous!

Comparing Unemployed Persons between France & Germany

Some contries in Europe

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