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Meta grouping school modules & courses (working draft)

We want to learn more MINT module courses and kess dead languages at highschool & basic college [Draft, still in work]

  1. mathematics
    • basics
    • technically drawing geometry
    • spreadsheets & business calculation
    • logics
  2. languages
    • native or classroom/school language
    • mandatory english
    • optional foreign languages, e.g. french, spanish, german, chinese, ...
    • dead languages, e.g. latin, ancient greek
  3. geopolitics & economics
    • geography & earth science
    • local & foreign economics
    • local & foreign politics
  4. biochemistry
    • biology
    • environmental studies
    • dietetics
    • chemistry
  5. mechatronics
    • physics
    • IT OS user level & simple programming
    • electronics
    • mechanical engineering
    • combined mechatronics with LEGO mindstorms
  6. culture & aesthetics
    • history
    • music
    • art
    • aesthetics
  7. ethics
    • theory: religious & ideology studies, later psychology & philosophy
    • practice: solving religious, ideologically, gender or special needs problems, group dynamics, NLP, choice & option role games
  8. sports
    • basics [athletics. fitness & stamina training]
    • ball games [soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, hardball, rugby, ...]
    • creative [impulse dance, monkey & pirate gymnastics, acrobatics, wrestling]
    • outdoor & elements [swimming, skating, ice-skating, cycling, climbing, military, horse riding, sports with dogs]
      please notice, that military, horses and hounds is only a final joke. please take not all 100% seriously, but try to understand the message


Geopolitics & Economics


Instead of physics, IT and additional electronics, I would try to introduce a much more practical mechatronic light little bit more light weight module already in school by introducing something like Lego mindstorms: Children and young people can so easy learn, how to combine mechanics construction, electronics and IT programming with quick and boombastic results.

Culture & Aesthetics


I would dump all religious courses in school and provide instead a mandatory ethic coursed for all children. Basic knowledge part of that course should include most important religions, ideologies (like socialism, democratic and totalitarian ideologies, imperialism, love movement of 68, deep state ethics, feminism and so on). At college level, we might include philosophy here too. 
Practial part should help to resolve cultural, gender, religious or any other ideologically based conflicts by playing role plays, visiting conflict areas in country, etc.

Strong religious believers could offer their childs excellent private courses during their free time, if they want. But mission in school is different, religion should be more in private and family / community space than in public education. (There are certain expensive private religious schools too, everyone is free to take that choice).


Debt mystery of Luxembourg

All informations according to

In year 2017 GDP of Luxembourg amounted to 62,40 billion US$ (62.400.000.000 US$).
In year 2011 GDP of Luxembourg amounted to exactly 62 billion US$ ( US$).

In year 2017 private sector debt of Luxembourg was 474,84% of GDP
62,4 * 4,4784 = 296,30016 billon US$ (296.300.160.000 US$)
In year 2011 private debt to GDP of Luxembourg was 407,9% of GDP.
62 * 4,079 = 252,898 billion US$ (252.898.000.000 US$)

In year 2017 public sector debt of Luxembourg was 23% of GDP.
62,40 * 0,23 = 14,352 billion US$ (14.352.000.000 US$).
In year 2011 public sector debt of Luxembourg was 18,8% of GDP.
62,40 * 0,188 = 11,7312 billion US$ (11.731.200.000 US$).

in year 2017 public & private sector debt of Luxembourg amounted to 310,65216 billion US$ (310.652.160.000 US$).
In year 2011 public & private sector debt of Luxembourg amounted to 264,6292 billion US$ (264.629.200.000 US$).

In year 2017 population of Luxembourg was 590.000 citizen (habitants).
In year 2011 population of Luxembourg was 510.000 citizen (habitants).

in year 2017 public + private debt per citizen amounted to 526.529,08 US$. (= 468.171,23 €)
In year 2011 public + private debt per citizen amounted to 518.880,78 US$. (= 461.370,63 €)
Private & public sector debt per citizen in Luxembourg amounts approximately to ½ million US$ (constantly between 2010 - 2018)
Quiet a very high amount per citizen, but dear Hans-Werner Sinn, how do you calculated in 2011 1,9 billion € (maybe trillion, cause german word Billionen means english trillion) of public sector + banking debt per citizen in Luxembourg?

Hans Werner Sinn debt calculation differs to tradingeconomics calculation by 380.000%. (That's really quiet a huge difference, in best case, when he meaned trillion it's another factor 1.000 => 380.000.000%)  

Debt comparsion with other countries in year 2017


Germany pub. + priv. 211,5% debt of 3.677,44 billion US$ GDP
7.777,7856 billion US$ = 7.777.785,6 million US$ total debt in Germany.
7.777.785,6 million US$ / 82,52 million citizen = 94.276 US$.
83.827 € total debt per german citizen.


Austria pub. + priv. 241,6% debt of 416,60 billion US$ GDP
1.006,5056 billion US$ = 1.006.505,6 million US$ total debt in Austria.
1.006.505,6 million US$ / 8,77 million austrian citizen = 115.690,30 US$
102.868 € debt per austrian citizen.
Austria gdp per capita = 49.129,23 US$
Austria gdp per capita ppp = 45.436,69 US$
Austria gdp per citizen = 47.340,90 US$
Austria gdp per gainfully employed (4,2605 million 82,78% in private sector, 17,21% in public sector) = 97.782 US$ (= 86.944,33 €)
Average income of employed in Austria is (45.345€ labor costs for company) 32.267€ before taxes, 22.640€ after taxes per year (2017).
How gdp per capita ppp is calculated? Are only working people included or retired people too?


Japan pub. + priv. 483% debt of 4.872,14 billion US$ GDP
23.532,4362 billion US$ = 23.532.436,2 million US$ total debt in Japan.
23.532.436,2 million US$ / 126,7 million japanese citizen = 185.734 US$.
20.787.295¥ debt per japanese citizen

United States

United States pub. + priv. 358,4% debt of 19.390,60 billion US$ GDP
69.495,9104 billion US$ = 69.495.910,4 million US$ total debt in United States.
69.495.910,4 million US$ / 325,7 million american citizen = 213.374 US$.
213.374 US$ debt per american citizen


pub. + priv. 296% debt of 678,89 billion US$ GDP
2.009,5144 billion US$ = 2.009.514,4 million US$ total debt in Switzerland.
2.009.514,4 million US$ / 8,5 million swiss citizen = 236.413,46 US$.
 236.413,46 US$ debt per swiss citizen


Ireland pub. + priv. 450,27% debt of 333,73 billion US$ GDP
1.502,686071 billion US$ = 1.502.686,071 million US$ total debt in Ireland.
1.502.686,071 million US$ / 4,8 million irish citizen = 313.060 US$.
278.362 € debt per irish citizen

When looking at GDP per capita, we see that GDP calculaton is often a very big bullshit.
According to tradingeconomics an irish citizen yields almost twice the GDP per capita performance of average japanese citizen. Japan is an industrial export country with at huge positive balance of trade and current account, while Ireland's current account is tiny positive cause of tourism and US tech giants IT cloud services (like amazon cloud Ireland or Microsoft IT departments). Prices in Ireland are very high compared to the rest of euro-area. But blowing up GDP, by increasing prices is a very evil GDP magick in my point view (Really, really)! (And yes, high prices in Ireland are one reason for that "greater" GDP per capita, but that's not the only reason of this GDP distortion). On the other side, Germany artificially shrinks his GDP (according to all other macroeconomic indicators of Germany).


ECB press conference April 2019

  1. Key interest (prime) rates will remain at 0% at least until the end of 2019.
  2. Inflation in the eurozone is expected little less than 2%.

  • Eurozone has no longer same substantial problems as in 2016, progress has been made.
  • Economic growth in the eurozone is still weak, and there are still geopolitical and other problems.
  • Structural reforms in many countries need to be continued. Member states should implement growth-promoting measures. (still a problem, that too few structural reforms and simultaneously avoiding growth friendly steps).


Taboo, but legal

I wrote, what I would say to children. (This is only my personal opinion)

LGBT (please be extra sensitive when talking to children, don't talk about sex, only about lovley friend. childs are very sensitive and don't should know details)
male subs  (please be extra PLUS sensitive when talking to children, don't talk about sex, only about lovley friend. childs are very sensitive and don't should know details)
traditionell sabre fighting Burschenschaftler (please be extra PLUS sensitive when talking to children, say you're joining an cultural traditional event)
Hijab (say nothing, because you don't know, why a women wears hijab)
Trachtenmode (say that is austrian cultural tradition wearing)
devoted christians
Opus dei (say, that those are very strong believing christians, but with hard rules, that are difficult for the majority to fullfill)
Female grey wolfes in mini-skirt (say, that crazy rebelling girls are sometimes stupid between 15 and 21 years)
Industriellenvereinigung (say, that is the only state free most important non gov organization)
Manga Comics (please be extra sensitive when talking to children, don't talk about sex, only that you're looking comics for Adults)
Communication with Wales (don't tell children about that)
Rallies against surveillance state (say citizen or human rights rally for peoples rights and don't make children fear of an all watching and inspecting surveillance state)
Old white men (say, that they maybe need more care)
Young back dancing female (say, that this is some kind of excotic sport)
Casino gambling (say to children, that this could turn into a disease and problems and don't go to casinos too often)
People, who play with her smartphone (say to children, you work or play)
snoring (say to children, that you have Astma or lung cancer)
AFD (say thats a political party for a special minority)
Die Linke (say that's a political party for a special minority)
Lügenpresse (say, that newspapers and TV and especially internet often make fake stories or jokes)
Female bodybuilders (say, that this is a very special sport, like Ski-Jumping or Triatlon)
Grüninnen (say thats a political party for environment activists)
Atheists (say nothing)
Caritas socialis (say, that Caritas is helping poor people, disabled people, workless people, people with problems)

I'am connected in myself to several minority groups and I don't wanted to show all full details to my children, because that would be a total epic fail and I made too much mistakes already)