- a simple url encoder/decoder

 a simple url encoder/decoder


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How to install LineageOS on Alcatel1 (5033D)

0. Attention: You can destroy or brick your phone totally, if something went wrong.
Unless you don't exactly know all fundamentals about android adb, fastboot, boot process and slot A/B, please don't do this:

1. install adb and fastboot on your linux or windows system

2. Enable developer options by clicking 5x times on build number in system settings

3. enable USB debugging and unlock OEM in developer options and debugging options after you became a developer

4. follow now the instructions here to unlock your phone:

5. Download LineageOS either from:

5.1 Andy Yan's personal builds, e.g.: LineageOS16 OR

5.2 github phhusson    OR

5.3 My Google Drive (You can find all diskdump images directly here)

6. connect your Alcatel1 to your PC

7. now use "adb devices -l" to see, if android Alcatel1 is present 

7.1 if you use Andy Yan's personal builds or phhusson github, then "adb reboot recovery"
      Wait until recovery mode is ready, then

  • Wipe cache first
  • Wipe data / factory reset next
  • enable adb next
  • load image from adb
  • Under Windows or Linux type "adb sideload lineage-1*.img" 
7.2 if you are using my img files from diskdump folder, you can
  • modify the images by mounting them with 'mount -o loop path2image/file.img /mnt' under linux
  • now you can modify e.g. the loopback mounted system.img for your own purpose.
  • flush, sync and then 'mount -o remount,ro  /mnt
  • look if all modifications are done well and then 'umount  /mnt
  • now use adb shell to reboot to bootloader by "adb reboot bootloader"
  • yet use "fastboot flash system path2image/system.img

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